How to conduct a successful Revegetation Project

The combination of either drought, natural erosion, heavy rainfall and bushfires across Australia often results in land that’s unable to quickly regenerate without additional help. This is where regeneration products, such as coir logs, tree guards, tree surrounds, hydroseed, hydromulch and erosion control blankets come into the picture.
When land is devastated that is practically bare of any vegetation, it needs serious help to prevent further erosion, loss of nutrients and runoff. Helping your land regain its natural balance and return to a healthy ecosystem is a goal that can be quickly and easily achieved with the right products and know-how. So if your goal is to revegetate land that has been cleared or severely damaged, here are some processes to help revegetate your land.

Using revegetation products to re-create a healthy ecosystem
Your first step is to plan your revegetation strategy, whether you intend to grass the area or revegetate with plants and trees. Once you know your plan of action the next step is identify the correct native vegetation that flourish on your land and the environment and micro-climates that support these plants. You may already know this information, otherwise you can chat to our team at Aussie Environmental who can help. Once you have selected your vegetation to plant, your third step is to clear the land of any rubbish and weeds. You might also want to clear away most of the burnt trees and bushes. Once your land is cleared, you can then plant tube stock or give it a helping hand with hydroseed or hydromulch.
Seed regeneration: This involves stabilising the soil, preventing erosion and runoff, and giving air blown or added seeds enough time to settle, germinate and establish themselves. All of this can be achieved with a soil retention mat that can be rolled out across the ground to cover the soil and protect the seed.
Aussie Environmental has a variety of erosion control blankets to assist with seed growth, including jute mesh, hessian cloth bolt & coir mesh.
You can also use coir logs if you want to prevent runoff into a nearby waterway or prevent severe erosion on steep sites.

Planting plant tube stock: Another option to revegetate your land that’s faster than natural revegetation is to plant tube stock. To help tube stock to establish, Tree Guards are recommended to protect young trees from wind damage, spray drift and foraging animals. Tree surrounds such as Jute Mat Squares are also ideal in helping to suppress the growth of weeds.

Hydroseed/Hydromulch: If you’re after some grass cover for an exposed area Aussie Environmental can spread either a standard seasonal hydroseed/hydromulch on your land or a native hydroseed/hydromulch that’s endemic to your land. These preparations include fertiliser and tackifier. We can also add growth stimulants and soil amendments to these mixes, depending on your site’s condition. These two revegetation methods are very cost effective and can be applied very quickly to large areas of land.

As revegetation contractors and CPESC (Certified Professional Erosion & Sediment Control) Accreditation, Aussie Environmental can help you to find the right solution for your land. With years of experience in the industry, we can give you a number of different options to revegetate your land, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make the best decision for your land.
For more information on how to revegetate your land, call Aussie Environmental on 07 5315 5431 or send us an email today.
Aussie Environmental provide hydromulching and hydroseeding services, click the button for more information.
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